Saturday, August 05, 2006

Carpe Diem

Time flies so fast. It just like a flash from week to week though I always want it everyday is the weekend. My time in Brisbane will be over soon, in the coming six months I'm no longer live in Brisbane with itsy bitsy dynamic life. Realising the 'games will be over', I start to think what's my future like? what can I get from staying for so long in different culture and situation from my home country? Is it worthwhile living in Australia for four years? or it's just for nothing.

When the speed of time haunts me, many ideas come across with and without some action. Now I begin thinking the weekly program to seize the daily bases for my own. Trying to classify what 'dough' and 'donut' (Homer Simpson copy right), variety of activities were made up for the CARPE DIEM. Trying to be look as a well-organised lady, the schedule for the week would look cool enough for actually a full-time slacker.


  • Monday. This is gonna be the sickness of Mondayitis, everybody will suffer from the desease including me, me, me .... Try to figure it out, Monday is gonna be the "Searching Day". It is the time to prepare for my sit-in classes the next day otherwise the sit-in session wouldn't trace anything in my skinny brain. Monday is the day for searching course materials for the three courses but I don't think I could read them all - get real. I don't care if I can't get into them at all. After all who cares? The COMU 1000 could be quite all right that prvide some online copy in the library, and the EDUC 7031 has just shown up from the Blackboard to down load. But the LING 2020 is gonna be a bit messy cuz some of them are on-line material but not the others. Another short cut for this is buying the reading material from the UQ Bookshop without discount - they were sold out anyway, and ordering them was undesirable.
  • Tuesday. It's time for the sit-in. Tuesday is the "Sit-in day" Sleeping is a must, 6.15 after working hard, I lay down for a while and go ... go ... go ... Carpe Diem. Some searhing material stuff might be involved cuz the previous day might not enough. 12. 00 for COMU, 2.00 for LING and 6.00 for EDUC. The hardest part of Tuesday is that Lara has to go with daddy while daddy has to seize the day and night for his un-ended thesis. The course is good though sometimes the snoozing is unavoidable. The prof is cool and a very nice fella. I want to give him something he likes? What .... any idea?
  • Wednesday is the "Playing day". It called playing cuz I try to manage volunteering in Play House day care. Having just one or two volunteering time were quite inspiring how to deal with kids. Somehow, I enjoy playing in there with some kids and the Korean group leader, Sunny and Japanese assistence, Shelley. Kindy probably the group I chose cuz the group with younger kids than kindy was a bit hard and only a little chance to learn. But actually I want to try the preschooler with the Aussie group leader. I suppose the chance to learn many things is a lot more. Anyway, the important is that I have to keep my vonlunteering in a weekly bases and focus.
  • Thurday is the "shopping day". As far as three and a half year living in Brisbane, thursday is the time when shops and shopping centre start the period of reducing some of their merchandise in turn - but not for groceries. Sometimes, I just pop in one of the section of a variety store to check how far their stuffs are being reduced. It's silly, it's kind of obsrvation to find the lowest price ever, even if my luck's coming over I got as low as 50 cents for a piece socks or Bart Simpson key ring or any other which is impossible and amazing. In other times recently, a velvet-dark-brown-boho bag was only $4 (used to be $20), and it was cute, though Yusi bought as the same as she found it first. It's gonna be funny if we put them in together in the same occasion ha ... haa ... ha. Shopping, I can say it's one of the the most interesting experience here in Brisbane cuz when I compare the price here to my home country, it is impossible. In Bandung the price reduction is not fair, it happens after they lift the price up and they put the discount on - but not here. Yes, Thursday is my favorite day with another one important reason it is a pay day.
  • Friday. It's nearly weekend, people say TGIF for this day. To me it 's gonna be the "Reflection Day". On Friday sometimes I plan many things to do cuz I know to night is holliday for my work and I don't even want to sleep again after working from 11.40. p.m. My program for Friday is actually blogging to write the weekdays and any occasion I had for a week. Another thing is cleaning up the house in detail, organise the wardrobe and thats the house wife thingys work. Sometimes preparing some food for the Mushala and I try to come to the Mushala not only for my reflection and enriching my spiritual being but also see some friends. Lately this week, the issue on Friday is gonna be the RE voluntary teaching for next week in Ironside Primary School in St Lucia. It is kinda an argument having in my mind just like between the rock and the hard place. If I go for it, I have to think twice, what I am doing as a religion teacher? I can't believe it I do it cuz being an RE teacher I have to mantain my attitude and behaviour as good as a saint. While I'm not a saint - I'm in the middle of fixing my attitude to be a real saint. My religous knowledge about Islam is nothing compare to those who are ready to teach for RE. But if nobody is willing to take the role, what can I do? I am the one who hold the Blue Card as a permit to teach there. So what's ... bla bla bla. I'm not the right person but any way I'll take the role before the right person come over and take the role properly. Please God, help me, this is gonna be a big resposibility teaching Kids about Your way. However, the most important thing is the sincerity and being earnest are the essence of doing this.
  • Saturday and Sunday. They are sometimes confusing day but anyway they are "Free Time Day". Most of them I fall as sleep for the half day though once in a while my other job is on the roster for saturday or Sunday or may be both from 5 - 8 a.m. No program at all in these day. However, If I am on the loose, I feel bad about what I've done for being too indulged my self and wasting my time.

The bottom line for all the weekly program is that every day I have to seize the day. Filling in as many things as I can do to enrich my body and soul, to preserve some at least a little knowledge in future and collecting some certificate of letters of reference as the last one is my last year target during my stay in Australia.

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