Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sincerity Coming from The Heart

Remembering the research about the word Insya Alloh by Joko Susanto in University of Queensaland, I found there are a few voilation against the sacred expression as such. This remind me the idea that came to me as a lady wishpered to tell me to say "MasyaAlloh" when I have to praise the child. I was just feel odd as apparently my level of piety was not as high as hers. This is so un me, I thought. Still the expression wouldn't come out from my mouth - I admitted I just said Subhanalloh once. The arabic expression I currently use in my subconscious mind are just very simple like Astagfirullah, Insyaalloh - with some meaning violated, Alhamdulillah and Bismillah and MasyaAlloh in a very limited condition. I just don't want to - kind of - utter those unfamiliar expression like masyaAlloh or Subhanalloh in the wrong context and without my sincerity. I plan one day, I would say those dzikr expression when I am ready and those exprssion are coming from my deep in side. I just don't want to say it becoz of others or for showing off that my level of piety is higher than others. Naudzubillah. I just coudn't be up to the scratch.

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