Thursday, July 20, 2006

Graduation Day

This morning when I drove Lara to Campus Kindy, I let her give the flower from the graduation to her teacher. Sue, was just like asking the reason why she brought the flower. Then the unecessary explanation just burst from the mouth that was from my graduation yesterday. But all of sudden that most of the people asked, for what degree, then it came to me all the silly thing. What the hell is my degree? I'm just enjoying the time in Australia, instead of being a desperate house wive who sought for any busy life or just collecting some Aussy dollars. I need some extra experience after having been nearly four years in this country. I reflect to myself what I can bring back to my home country after four years spending my time in Australia. This is one of the choice to bring back some knowledge and experiences that is expected to be very helpful in the future. At least my productive time is not for nothing.

It was funny, silly, wierd but above all the happiness and the chance has never knocked to the second door. At first I was not pretty sure to attend the ceremony, I always think " a semester only need a celebration?" Get real! But it was real everybody supported me to have it. Some other said that this was a good oportunity to celebrate and other some said by pay that big amount - it was too bad to mis the graduation, "why don't you just make it all out?" Considering many things I finally decided to have the graduation.

The graduation ran smoothly starting from the academic dress hire, runninng out of petrol, pick up Ayah n Lara and dressed them up. I didn't even dress up. But, Iwas quite happy that here in Aussy, some of the graduans were just putting jeans and jumper. It was totally diferent to Indonesian customs that everybody puts on the kebaya.

Beyond that, I can see some sincere attention from friends and the loves ones. They are very thoughtful that I never thought before. It was a kind of delightful milestone for me to have this. Thanks Ayah for the flower and everything, Thanks to Melanie -I never had a thought you're so thoughtful and kindly concerned, Thanks Bu Tia for the presents, Thanks to Isnaeni for the pictures and thanks everybody who give me support and congratz me until this afternoon. And the biggest of all Thanks to 'Mah n Bapak who can make all this happened. Alhamdulillah.


Inayah said...

Selamat ya Vi....punten telat, its better than never ya Vi...
Akhirna lewat oge geuning 1 semester teh nya...teu karasa euy. Pokoke, Wilujeung...!

Story Time said...

selamet ya.. semoga ilmunya bermanfaat pas pulang nanti. kapan ya bisa kuliah lagi kaya Avi gitu